Congratulations on being on Java 5. There are some cool features and productivity savings available to you now
. You'll get used to them as you go.
It's definitely not worth changing all the legacy code to use generics! This is the kind of thing that you want to use for new code (or if you are significantly updating a class.) I can think of a few exceptions to this of course. If you have a common library, it could be worth changing its API so new Java 5 callers can use it more safely.
And sometimes there are times where Java 5 can make an API more powerful. We have on API that currently is implemented as:
public void myMethod(
String arg1) {}
public void myMethod(String arg1, String arg2) {}
public void myMethod(String arg1, String arg2, ... String arg8) {}
public void myMethod(String[] args) {}
All of the earlier methods delegate to the final one and we have a TODO to remove the interim methods when we migrate to Java 5. This is a case where the API was designed with Java 5 in mind even though we aren't there yet.