Now according to definition only changes made in Footer .jsp should be reflect on the browser, but i am getting all the changes made in both Header.jsp and Footer.jsp in my browser
You are right about the concept. But new containers are smart enough
to reflect the changes you made through include directive. That's why you are getting that output. But that's not guranteed by the spec.
what is the difference b/w include directive(<%@ include file="Header.jsp" %> and include action element(<jsp:include page="Footer.jsp" /> .
Well, file with include directive little heavier than that would have <jsp:include> in it (with the directive, it copy everything in the included file whereas include standard action it contains a line which will include the response of the included file at runtime .
The include directive is used more with the static contents.
[ December 04, 2008: Message edited by: Vijitha Kumara ]