Different times I got different exceptions.
1. Right paranthesis missing
2. single query returns more than one row.
Like that I got exceptions.
But I correct allthose exceptions and I run the query It is running and not stopping. I more thing I am not using a loop.. Then Why it is not stopping .
The Query I wrot is given below
"Select new GuageReportdata(fgrc.datavalue,fgrc.funnelguagereportmain.reportindex)
from Funnelguagereportcontents fgrc, Funnelguagereportmain fgrm where fgrm.shopnumber=?
and fgrm.guagetype=? and to_char(fgrm.datetime,'DD-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') between ? and ?
and fgrm.totalpoints > 0 and fgrm.entry1=? order by fgrm.reportindex desc