Some problems that I see with this approach is if you later want to add some behavior, like for example:
- making this object "thread-safe"
- add some checks for nulls or empty strings in setters
- add some other checks (like, for example, isOwned() - which might look odd besides all those public fields)
Another disadvantage - nobody can use your class as a JavaBean (property listeners and stuff - see, for example, for some specifications).
My personal opinion - I would not leave it like this.
If you add accessors, nobody will complain that your code is messy. It just follows the normal bean conventions (
you should, however, add a default constructor to really follow the convention).
If you don't add them, some people might think it's strange.
Although, it's true, I've also met people which really hate accessors, and they also had some arguments for this.