I've hit a snag in my efforts to migrate from
Tomcat 5.5.4 to Tomcat 6.0.18. My goal is to have a catalina.out log for stderr, and a webapps.log for my application. Upon startup of Tomcat 6.0.18, only the catalina.out log exists and it contains all output from the webapp.
In Tomcat 5.5.4, log4j, version 1.2.9, looks for log4j.properties in my WEB-INF/classes directory without a problem.
In Tomcat 6.0.18, it appears that log4j, version 1.2.15, is looking
for the log4j.properties file in the $CATALINA_HOME/lib folder only.
I've researched this problem on Tomcat's bug database and found a
bug with the same problem. However, the two solutions provided, while helpful, don't give a complete answer.
You should customize the classloader hierarchy to fit your needs, then."
"Take a look at TOMCAT_HOME/conf/catalina.properties."
Both of these answers lead me to the catalina.properties file and it's classloading capabilities. This is where I'm stuck. I'm unable to find sufficient documentation on catalina.properties.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Bill Clar
System: Fedora, Release 9 (Sulphur)
Kernel Linux