From where i can download jboss-4.0.4.GA plugins for eclipse-SDK-3.1.1-win32. It's very urgent. please give me a reply as soon as possible. Thank in advance.
Based on your version of Eclipse, I think that you want JBossIDE 1.5.1, which you can get here: [ur][/url]
If you could upgrade to Eclipse 3.3, you could use JBoss Tools instead, which is much better.
This is Shravani. I have a doubt. please clarify this. i have download the JBossIDE-1.5.1.GA version. but you mentioned JBoss IDE 1.5.1 version. what is the difference between these two.> in this i have seen one plugin folder. Can i copy JBossIDE-1.5.1.GA's plugin folder into eclipse plugin folder. Peter, Please respond as soon as posible. Thank you.
"GA" stands for "General Availability", which means that it is the final, production release. Other suffixes you will see are BetaN, CRn and SPn which identify betas, candidate releases (just before 'GA'), and service packs.
Can i copy JBossIDE-1.5.1.GA's plugin folder into eclipse plugin folder.