I have the followig problem:
i have this
jsp page:
Sie Sind jetzt auf der CustomerTicketPage.jsp
roperty value="problem.problemNumber"/>
ropertyvalue="problem.problemTitle" />
roperty value="problem.problemDescription"/>
roperty value="problem.problemStatus"/>
roperty value="problem.problemPriority"/>
<s:iterator value="commentField">
roperty value="CommentNumber"/>
roperty value="CommentCreationDate"/>
roperty value="CommentText"/>
<s:form action="Problem_load" method="POST">
<s:submit value="Zur�ck zur �bersicht" cssClass="InputButton"/>
<s:form action="Add_Comment" method="POST">
<s:textarea label="Kommentar" name="CommentText"/>
<s:submit value="Kommentar hinzuf�gen" cssClass="InputButton"/>
in my Add_Comment Action class, i would like to use the commentText, which works perfectly if i add commentText variable to the class, and getter/setter.
But, i also need the problemNumber, but its always null if i make a variable and getters/setters. Do i need to put the problemNumber somehow into the
<s:form action="Add_Comment" method="POST">
<s:textarea label="Kommentar" name="CommentText"/>
<s:submit value="Kommentar hinzuf�gen" cssClass="InputButton"/>
Thanks for your help!