Hi Jeanne,
Thanks a lot for your reply to my very first query on Javaranch. Actually Javaranch is the first forum I ever tried in my life and I really liked Javaranch. I also gone through your profile and I feel it is very good.
So, as per you suggested, I tried to find the place in Admin console of WAS 6.1 to do settings related to ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi and ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi but I couldn't find them anywhere in admin console.
Also I am not familiar with Jython script. So I left that one too.
But it is found that the EJB deployment descriptor editor can be used to set Websphere extensions. This automatically modifies the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi and ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi. So it is almost done now.
Now I got a new one. Please help me Jeanne if you know about it.
In WAS 6.1 for a newly added entity bean four
java files are generated.
1.Remote interface for Enterprise Bean
2.Bean implementation class for Enterprise Bean
3.Home interface for Enterprise Bean
4.Key class for Entity Bean
When these files were generated, the bean implementation class for Enterprise Bean did contain CMP fields declaration only but not any getters-setters for them.
Do we need to add getters and setters manually (i.e. Source -> Generate Getters and Setters) in Bean implementation class for Enterprise Bean or should they automatically be added by Websphere application server?
Similarly, in Remote interface for Enterprise Bean do we manually have to declare the getters and setters for CMP fields or can it be automated somehow?
Did I wrong somewhere or this is it what it is?