The shared area still works (look at the text in bold in the above quote).
I use it and it works.
Since 2.2 or 2.3, the
servlet spec has been pushing the idea of complete web applications; preferring to have multiple copies of files over sharing them between applications, when possible. Disk space is cheap these days and build tools like
ANT and Maven make it just as easy to build complete web applications from common code bases at run time. Tomcat has simplified their classloading but there is nothing keeping you from using shared libraries.
I keep one library (some 3rd party middleware by IBM) in the shared directory because it has some JNI code with static variables.
If I didn't keep it in shared, the first app to use it would lock it, keeping the other apps from being able to use it.
Other than that, I keep all libraries, classes, JPSs, etc inside the web app itself.
Any benefits gained from sharing copies are not worth the hassles of trying to share them.