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Sachin Adat wrote:I have just started the Threads chapter. So I am not sure, but I also feel "Result is unpredictable".
Waiting for confirmation........... :?
Treimin Clark wrote:I think it's better if we continue the discussion on the original topic.
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Ankit Garg wrote:
Treimin Clark wrote:I think it's better if we continue the discussion on the original topic.
No, I don't think so. Just discuss this here...
Devaka Cooray wrote:but remember that there will BE this type questions in the real exam, as I got.
Devaka Cooray wrote:
On the Sun exam, they given an assumption statement like that, for some questions. But I didn't include that assumption statement in this question, because...
I thought like this; we know that the sleep(long) method takes a duration, which is always higher than to the specified duration to be completed. In this question, I used a statement sleep(1000); so the user can assume it may take 1000 ms, 1001ms, 2000ms or probably 100000ms to complete (where ms=milliseconds). But it is not a problem to this question. Even though that statement takes morethan 30 seconds to be completed, the answer will be "ABC". Because of this, I didn't include the above assumption-statement.
However, now I think it's better to include an assumption statement like that, so it's more easy select an answer. I'll mark this and will include it on the next version. Once the next version is released, you will be notified via JavaRanch. Thanks for helping me to improve this simulator.
Sachin Adat wrote:
I guess this makes it clear, in exams we can expect an assumption statement, which is good enough for selecting "ABC".......
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Ankit Garg wrote:Jamie there was a long discussion on this some time ago and you are right. The output is unpredictable. It is very very unlikely that XYZ will be displayed but there IS a possibility thus for SCJP you'll have to say that the output is unpredictable...
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