Hi all!
I have one
struts 1.2 war file imported into eclipse 3.4.1
After I imported it, I was able to run the project under
tomcat 5.5
I then copy the
java file into "src" directory, then found out that none of the class file were deployed to the workspace,
and deploying the .class file ( from another eclipse's build file; same branch of code)
somehow it will break the actionServlet;
I can still access all the .jsp pages, but with all of the .do it will throw a 500 error.
One bad thing about this is that i am also having problem getting error log. I have turned log4j to debug, and make sure web.xml does not block logging, on "console" of eclipse is not printing anything; but when add something like:
<%= System.out.println("blah");%>
jsp pages, it will print to "console" of eclipse
here is my web.xml, which was the exact same in tomcat with working logging:
struts config:
Thank you!