(My kind of)
Humor: The Pretty Good Jim's Journal Treasury: The Definitive Collection of Every Published Cartoon by Scott Dikkers. Unfortunately, this collection is out of print and rather expensive used. But the individual "Jim's Journal" books are still quite affordable...
I went to College and It was OkayI Got a Job and It wasn't that BadI Made some Brownies and They were Pretty GoodI Got Married if You Can Believe ThatI Feel Like a Grown-Up NowBe advised: Jim's Journal was...
...a character-driven strip with a main character who had no discernable personality, observational humor that provided no insights, and no comic timing, just strips that ended without a gag, or sometimes without even a conclusion. Dikkers calls this style anti-humor, 'creating humor by poking fun at other humor.' Some readers were indeed amused by this anti-humor, seeing in it a reflection of their own uneventful lives. Others struggled to analyze it and find a deeper meaning..."
Wikipedia - Jim's Journal