posted 15 years ago
hi! im new to Jasper Report and i have a problem with subreport..and by the way im also using ireport3.0
i have my master report (Agency.jrxml) and my subreport(Employee.jrxml)..
when i run each report individually all goes well but when i add a subreport to Agency.jrxml an exception occur:
this is what i did:
where: REPORT-->path of my master report and dataSource--> is the dataSource of my master report
i passed my subreports dataSource as a parameter to my master report..
my subreports dataSource is a list of employees.
i think the problem here is the report can't load the parameter that i passed..but how can i pass the dataSource of my subreport to fill its parameters?
can someone help me with this?
thank you...