Hi EveryOne, I saw some of the posts as ,to read a file from Remote Server they are telling first we have to download file to local and read that file.
from my point of view no need to download file. We can open an Inputstream on that file and read the content. below is the example.
String hostname = "";
String username = "";
String password = "";
//Connect to SFTP server location as below
SshParameters params = new SshParameters(hostname,username,password);
Sftp sftp = new Sftp(params);
//Once connected to server get InputStream as below
InputStream io = sftp.getInputStream(fileName,0L)// File name i.e to be read and second argument is offset
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(io);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
//Read line by line as below
String record="";
while((record=br.readLine()) != null){
// What ever you required
Please let me know if you have any questions..