The error message is telling you precisely what's wrong: the <html:param> tag is not valid outside of the tags listed in the error message. Also, your bean tag usage is missing the actual tag name; it just has the prefix.
If you're using
Struts 1.3, which it appears you are, your struts-config.xml file should contain the 1.3 DTD--you're using the DTD from 1.1. (It might still work, but is confusing and misleading.)
If you're using any recent app server you no longer need to specify tag libraries in the web.xml and should avoid doing do. Your web.xml should contain an appropriate DTD/XSD. Also, if you're using a recent app server you shouldn't need the EL tags, as
JSP EL is provided by the container itself.
In any case, if the attribute you're trying to display is in request scope and you're using a JSP 2+ container, just use plain old JSP EL to display the attribute: ${requestScope.userName}.