From my knowledge, the action type is the fully qualified name of the action class. In this case, it would be, which belongs to the package coreservlets. So the type should be coreservlets.RegisterAction1. Is the action type the location of the .class file or the fully qualified name of the action class? It looks like in this case it would be the same.
struts-test contains
This application is called struts-test and is in the webapps directory of my
tomcat 5.5.27 installation. After restarting struts-test in tomcat manager, I navigate to "http://localhost:portnumber/struts-test/forms/register1.jsp". I click on the sign me up button and see "The requested resource (/struts-test/actions/ is not available." Why don't I need the .do extension in struts-config.xml if I don't associate .do with an action path?