posted 15 years ago
Hi All,
I m using <sx:tabbedpanel and displaying two tabs,
Say Assumptions and Constraints, I m using iterator to display this tabs.
By default each tab will display 3 text field So user can enter assumptions and constraints.
I m using iterator to display the textfields also
When it complets Assumption Tab, it creates textfield list[0].textfield ,list[1].textfield,list[2].textfield
When it comes to Constatint tab again list[0].textfield ,list[1].textfield,list[2].textfield.
Anyone can tell me, how do I make it as list[3].textfiled,list[4].textfiled,list[5].textfiled,.
I dont know how to change #status.index to userdefined value
It really helps, so that I can populate the list in my action class.