Though im not very happy with my score I still want to do this...
Special thanks to:
1. Head Firsts
Servlets and
JSP 2nd edition.
2. Enthuware JWebPlus 1.4
3. Javaranch Notes
4. Marcus Peabody
1. Read through HFSJ 3 times 2 weeks refresher on some topics specially Tags before the exam.
2. I already have some work experience implementing most of this concepts, not all.
3. Stick a lot of notes around my cubicle.
4. I did not go through the specs because i also have some project deadlines in office i dont have much time for this.
Maybe this is also the reason why i missed 7 or 8 questions, most of this questions i missed came from Web Container Model.
(i did not focus much on this)
5. Failed after two tries with HFSJ mock exam.(But I used it as an analysis on my weaknesses) never passed it actually, my results were 58% and 68%.
6. I live a normal life, i go to office and drink beer on Friday nights...