Hi ranchers,
I am planning to take the SCBCD 5 exam in a couple of month's time.
I have referred to the Kathy Sierra books for the
SCJP and SCWCD earlier. But from the links section I found out that the Head First series book only caters to the SCBCD 1.3 version and not version 5. Any idea if any new version of the book is coming up recently.
Also, there are some text books recommended in the links section but a book specifically written for the exams is much more useful as an add on to a text book. Does anyone know of any such book for SCBCD 5.
And amongst the text books which will be the best. Any suggestons.
I have some experience with
EJB 2.0 but am a novice in EJB 3.0. So considering that background what should be my plan of action.
Ideas, suggestions will be much appreciated. I have extensively read the javaranch forums for my earlier certifications and once again will look forward to rancher's recommendations, especially those who have passed the exam, before plunging into the SCBCD 5 preparations.
Thanking you in advance,