I searched too much to solve this problem, but whatever I did I couldn't get rid of this exception.
"javax.ejb.EJBException : EJB Exception: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The user must supply a JDBC connection"
I am using Oracle Weblogic 10.3 as application server and trying to use a MySQL data source.
My configuration is as following:
In my EAR project, under META-INF, I created a data source MysqlDS2-jdbc.xml;
Also, under the EAR project, to weblogic-application.xml, I added this data source as a module as following;
In my EJB3 project, under META-INF, my persistence.xml is as following;
In addition to these xml configurations, I added all hibernate related jars to my classpath (I did both ways, one is adding them to EAR project APP-INF/lib folder and adding them to Weblogic's lib).
So, where am I doing things wrong, I can't see it really, it is giving
"java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The user must supply a JDBC connection"?
In addition, is there any documentation where all of these weblogic 10.3 + ejb3 + hibernate + jdbc data source entegration and configuration issues are handled and shown together? I could'nt find a nice one.
Thanks for your replies.