posted 15 years ago
I am using <logic:iterate> tag to iterate through a list of Employees and display their details.
The list contains the Employee objects.
Now while displaying Employee details in a table, the row is ending with a check box , so that the user can select employees. The check boxes are created dynamically since they are inside the iterate tag.
Now how in Action I know that a specific employee is selected?
In action form I would get whether the check box is selected or not. But how can I relate that to employees in list?
This is my problem now i tried to solve it like this.
by adding a 'selected' field to the EmployeeBean.
Now I am getting the values of selected as false in the Action. Even though I have selected it.
I am using a action form for the some other elements in the same view.
Can some body through some light on this.
vishnu NV