Hi Yucca,
This is how it went with me (and I think it is supposed to go like this):
- in the
CertManager (the web-application you used to download/upload your assignment) a record will show up in the test-history when your assignment is graded. Time for grading is approximately 4 until 6 weeks (mine was graded after exact 4 weeks).
- in the
CertDatabase you will see in the event history a record with effective date equel to the date you took the essay exam and description is something like "(310-027) Sun Certified Developer for the
Java 2 Platform (310-027) - Pending...". If you see that it means they got your essay exam and the grading process will start (and so does the 4 until 6 weeks wait). If it's not there, you will have to send a mail to who2contact, because apparently there is a problem with communication between prometric and sun
- if your score is shown in the CertManager, you will have to wait a 10 days and then the result will also show up in the CertDatabase (and you will see that the "Pending..."-message is changed into "Replaced" and a new record is created with description "(310-027) Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (310-027) - Passed"). And from that moment you will also see new records being added concerning the certification kit (which will take 2-3 weeks to arrive at your address, depending on where you live).
I know the waiting is a bit frustrating, but not seeing your result after 3 weeks is normal, because it takes mostly 4 to 6 weeks.
Kind regards,