I have
EJB 3 Stateful session bean in the application. (weblogic 10.3 application server and jdk 1.6_05)
This EJB is in a complicated transaction which executes for more than 30 seconds (default transaction timeout value for EJB)
I need an annotation example (as I dont have any weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file) where I can set my own transaction timeout value for this EJB.
I found one weblogic annotation (Since this property is server specific) @weblogic.javaee.TransactionTimeoutSeconds.
But I am not able to find an example for this annotation anywhere and weblogic document does not specify how to use this annotation.
Can someone please help.
Also if there is no annotation, then can I just have weblogic-ejb-jar.xml without ejb-jar.xml? (as all my ejb-jar.xml entries are added to EJB in the form of annotation therefore I do not have any DD)