posted 15 years ago
I am using hibernate3 in my application. When executing the below code
Product exampleProduct=new Product();
Example example=Example.create(exampleProduct);
Criteria criteria=session.createCriteria(Product.class);
criteria.add( example );
List results = criteria.list();
it works fine. Lists all the objects with the price is 22. when modified the code as below
Product exampleProduct=new Product();
exampleProduct.setName("Product 2");
Example example=Example.create(exampleProduct);
Criteria criteria=session.createCriteria(Product.class);
criteria.add( example );
List results = criteria.list();
returns the empty list but the database has few products with the name "Product 2". When I checked the query generated,
Hibernate: select as id0_0_, this_.name1 as name2_0_0_, this_.description as descript3_0_0_, this_.price as price0_0_, this_.supplierId as supplierId0_0_ from product2 this_ where (this_.name1=? and this_.price=?)
the where condition sets parameter value for price. I have executed this code with different properties of the product object but the generated query always adds price parameter value set and returns empty list.
Is it a bug and is it overcomed in the latest version of hibernate or do I need to set any property for proper working of this code..