Hi guys,
I am using
Ant 1.7.0 2008 build and jdk 1.6 on Windows Vista Home Basic Edition OS. I am trying to compile my project using ant.
But the property file is not getting outputted in the classes folder. The folder and file organisation of my project is as follows: -
for the above structure i have made the build.xml as follows: -
I execute the ant tool as : -
The Build is successfull ... that is the Tester.class file is created in appropriate packag structure ....
but when i check the
build directory which contains the classes created after compilation, then its found that the
resources directory is not created, also the property file is not outputted as the
resources directory is not available.
Tester.java is expected to use the property file, but currently Tester.java just contains one line of
System.out.println("Hello World!"); that's it.
The structure after executing ant ...looks as follows: -
As you can see, the package structure for property file was not created.
Why does the ant task does not create the package structure for property file?
How do i make ant do that? ......So that i can refer to that in the Tester.java code later?
Thanks in advance!