I am a newbie to
I want to validate my undertsanding of the basic
Struts framework viz a viz the VO issue that i will explain thereafter.
My understanding of the flow using struts and
EJB is as follows:
Browser -> ActionServlet -> populates FormBean and
instantiates the Action Class (based on
struts-config.xml entries)->calls EJB-> calls DAO->accesses DB.
The DAO creates a VO that is passed back to the EJB which in turn passes it back to the Action class.
Now, How is this VO data used by the next view (
JSP)defined. What is the mechanism?
For eample, in page1.html I have an id which is passed all the way to the DAO. The DAO fetches the data from the DB based on this ID and returns a collection (maybe a vector of objects/resultset).
Now how does the next page i.e. the DetailPage.jsp get this data and how to use this to show it in a tabular form.
I know it is a very basic question.. would appreciate an easy to understand(newbie context) answer.
Thanks in advance,