I am trying to populate a Collection (Arralist of my DTO object) in a drop down box but it is giving be some error as
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method available for property intDBID for bean under name DBList
This is my
JSP Code in which I am trying to populate the collection
<html:select property="intDBId">
ption value="0">Select a Dashboard</html
ptions collection ="DBList" property= "intDBID" labelProperty ="strDBName"/>
//Action Class
public ActionForward execute (ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
DBActionForm objForm=(DBActionForm) form;
AdminHelper objAdmHelper=new AdminHelper();
// Helper class which returns arraylist of DTO Objects
// after fetching dta from database
ArrayList arlDB=objAdmHelper.getDBList();
return mapping.findForward("success");
//BEAN Class
public class DBActionForm extends ActionForm
private int intDBId = 0;
String strDBName = null;
public int getIntDBId() {
return intDBId;
public void setIntDBId(int intDBId) {
this.intDBId = intDBId;
public String getStrDBName() {
return strDBName;
public void setStrDBName(String strDBName) {
this.strDBName = strDBName;
// DTO Class
public class DBDTO implements Serializable, Cloneable {
// Member variables
private int intDBId= 0;
private String strDBName = null;
public DBDTO() { }
public int getIntDBId(){
return this.intDBId;
public void setIntDBId(int nDBId) {
this.intDBId = nDBId;
public String getStrDBName(){
return this.strDBName;
public void setStrDBName(String strDBName) {
this.strDBName = strDBName;
Still when i try to access the page it is giving this Error I donno what is wrong with this.
Please help me i am a new to
struts Thanks