posted 21 years ago
Is there any way to use two action forms for one action class.
I have the following situation: one html form (form1) and a "go" button for sample1.jsp, another html form (form2) and "submit" button for sample2.jsp.
Once user clicks on "go" button, she will be directed to sample2.jsp, form1 values will be used and displayed on sample2.jsp. Once user clicks on "submit" button on sample2.jsp, form2 values should be saved to database.
I need to desgin one action form (actionForm1) for form1 to be retrived and displayed on sample2.jsp, and design another action form (actionForm2) to be retrieved and saved to database. Thus, the action class I design for sample2.jsp needs two actionForms. I am wondering there is any way to set up
two forms for one action class (in struts-config and elsewhere)?