1. Apparently, name="success" is a condition. I am confused about to 'what' does this condition apply. E.g. the control will be passed to .article.Menu under the condition 'what' = "success"?
Yes... success is a condition. You would have to determine what is
your success condition. This is typically done in your action class.
So, in ur action class, (which is denoted by the type that is present in
your action), you would have some logic which will deetermine is the
condition is a success or failure.
When there is a condition of success, you want your code to go to a particular page or execute another piece of code. This is identified by
what is specified in the forward within the action.
IN your action class code, you would then include something like:
forward = mapping.findForward("success");
2. What is the meaning of name="menuForm"
This is the action that you try to execute. ie. either from code or in
the browser you would try to access the action in the form
http://... menuForm.do
QUOTE]3. What is the meaning of parameter="application;HOURS"?[
Actions can have parameters. This means that when menuForm is executed,
the parameters mentioned are available to you. You could use these to
evaluate conditions within the action class.