hi all,
i have a
java interface and its implementation which talks to an oracle db. in the implementation i lookup the db using jndi name for the connection pool which is specified in the app server (glassfish v3). when i include this java app as a jar file in my classpath and call methods on it to talk to the db it works fine for me.
But when my team mate is trying to use this java same app as a jar file in his classpath and tries to talk to the db he gets errors while looking up the jndi name of the connection pool.
we have tried changing the name of the connection pool etc but no luck. any suggestions would be much apprecitated.
here how the java app looks up the db
we both use java 1.5, oracle 11g db.
thanks in advance.
forgot to mention we both deployed our code against the same app server which talks to the same db.