Hi all,
I am using a Spring + Hibernate + Icefaces combination to build a web application and since the firewall and proxy problem, I can not easily connect to internet. So the problem is the spring and hibernate configuration need to load the DTD or schema for validation from internet. Under this condition, I must manully extract the DTD from those jar file. I have tried that it did not work if it zips in the jar file.
Spring work fine under this solution and I set the header of Spring configuration file as following
you can see that the dtd file is extracted to folder dtd. The folder is under web-inf.
Now hibernate will integrated with spring as the configuration below.
you can see that the configuration file is under folder web-inf.
Under this condion. The system will first load spring configuration then load hibernate configuration. The environement will change to eclipse if I developed in Eclipse. But the hibernate configuration file cannot find the DTD again as below configure
the system generate exception
you can see that the environment change to D:\software\eclipse. I have tested if directly deploy to
tomcat, the environement will also change to tomcat folder.
So, does anyone have idea to solve this problem?
Thanks and best regards
anthony chan