Hi, Subject: Display error messages (Validation errors) using Struts validation frame work. Problem: I plan to display input validation errors using struts frame work. the problem is, with this frame work all errors are displayed at the top of the page (JSP). But say there are ten feilds, HOW WOULD I DISPLAY VALIDATION ERROR AT THE LOACTION OF THE ERROR FEILD RATHER THEN AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE. Thank you.
The error displaying features in JSP/Struts are quite flexible. When adding an ActionMessage to your ActionErrors, specify a key that is unique to that field, then pick it up on the JSP side with a logic:messagesPresent name='theKeyYouSpecified' tag ie:
*or any other Sai P Kumar approved user unfriendly error message ps: don't yell, it's not our fault if you don't read the documentation
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