I am using
JBoss AS 5.1.0 GA and Apache Directory Server.
Can anyone tell me what lines to put in the application policy configuration of my login-config.xml file
for the following LDIF file that i imported in Apache Directory Server ?
This LDIF file defines 3 users and 2 roles :
uid : system userPassword: manager Roles: admin
uid : user1 userPassword: p1 Roles: guest
uid : user2 userPassword: p2 Roles: admin
Here is the LDIF file that I imported with success in Apache DS :
I have tried the following application policy in my login-config.xml file but it does not work :
Being not too familiar with LDAP, I am not too sure about certain options, like bindCredential, bindDN, baseCtxDN ...
Can someone please help me with the configuration of this application policy ?
Thanks in advance.