When you use DispatchAction class we can have more than one method in our action class(I think you know this right )Now I will show a small example how to use DispatchAction class
I have a action class for my registration of a form. In that i have methods for inserting the registered data to the table, deleting some record and for modifying the record
the class will be like this
public RegAction extends DispatchAction
public ActionForward insertDetails(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException
*** your code**
return mapping.findForward("inserted");
public ActionForward deleteDetails(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException
*** code ***
return mapping.findForward("deleted");
This class i am mappiing as
<action mapping="/register" name="regForm" type="mypackage1.RegAction" parameter="option" input="/register.jsp">
<forward name="inserted" path="/menu.jsp"/>
<forward name="deleted" path="/login.jsp"/>
You can give the forward as you want. Now in the
jsp you have to give the form action as
<html:form action="/register?option=insertDetails">
</html:form> . This is for insertion part for delete part give option=deleteDetails.
Here insead of option you can use what name you want . Only thing is that it should match with what we are specifying as parameter in the action mapping.
there option= whatever we are giving is the method name which we want to use for that particular action
hope this will help you
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