Thanks. Looks like the get request is not issued at all (atleast thats what the httpfox is hinting as I dont see any requests in it).
If I execute my servlet directly from my browser say like:
http://localhost:8080/abc/cde/HelloWorldExample it works.
java script is present outside the WEB-INF directory inside abc. And I pass the URL as /cde/HelloWorldExample. Is there anything wrong in this?
This is the code in js:
And my servlet code, just prints Hello world on my screen:
I expect to see the Helloworld on the click (which invokes the open and send calls). But that doesnt happen. The files on the dir structure are :
----- index.html, index.js
----- WEB-INF
--------- web.xml
--------- CLASSES
--------------- CDE (package for the class)
--------------- HelloWorldExample.class
Should I create a jar file and package them together (is that what is missing)?