I have arraylist in my action and I am storing it as session to display on the
jsp page.
request.getSession().setAttribute("asstRqstConcResults", asstRqstResults);
Inside the Arraylist the objects stored are of the Actionform: ConcurrentCaseInfoForm class.
On the jsp I am displaying as follows:
What I am trying to acheive is, when the user selects the radio buttons either accept or reject. I want to store the values(whatever the user selects) and submit the form. That is onclicking "OK"(which is not in the code) button, I want to send the values the user choose to the action. Lets assume an example:
There are seven objects in the arraylist and so seven rows would be displayed. Each row will have an accept and reject radio button, now the user can select accept on one row and could select reject on the other row. Lets says the user selects reject for the 3rd row. So I want my application to associate the reject decision with its information on that row and submit it so that i will know what the user selected. Depending on what the user selected I have to perform the further actions.
Please see I am using indexed radio buttons by mentioning indexed="true" for selecting the accept or reject.
Please let me know if you have any other suggestions too.
Thank you very much.