I have 2
JSP1 contains a table with 6 columns and button like this...
RName RAuthor RStartDate REndDate Condition Action
Row1: name1 auth1 xxx yyy
name2 auth2 xx yy
name3 auth3 x y
. ...........
.. .............
GOTOJSP2 (button)
In the above jsp1 it is observed that the last wo values of each row is empty and they are calculated and obtained from jsp2 .
The user selects any 1 of the rows and clicks on "GOTOJSP2" to proceed to next jsp....
suppose if the user selected row 1,he needs to obtain the condition and action for row 1 from jsp2
Jsp2 has a table ,an expression builder and a button "AddtoRow" like this.......
(1) RSName Condition Action
Name1 a+b*c=20 d=21
(2) Expression builder(to forn above expressions which is done by using Javascript and the above values are calculated in this expression bulder ,stored in
javascript variables and set to the cells of the row dynamically
(3) AddToRow (button)
Now on click of AddToROw button,the control should goto jsp1 and set the 2 values(condition and action seen above) to the emty cells(condition,action) of row1 of jsp1...
What are the ways to tranfer and set these values??? how should I pass the javascript values and set them in the previous jsp... kindly elaborate how to achieve this...