I'm developing a very intricate web page - an interactive Html table - and have factored most things out. But I'm stuck with an awkward way of declaring the styles and generating the required Css style sheet.
This has probably been solved before but....
I have:
an Enum of Css class selector names, used to generate both the Html and the Style Sheet several Css value Enums used to generate the Style Sheetcomplex Css value Enums for themes used to generate the Style Sheet
I then use a builder
pattern to generate the Style Sheet, a small extract below , the class
CssSheetBuilder has a method for every CSS property
What I would like, is to have an enum listing each css
class selector and declare it using value pairs... something like this
This is a bit verbose, and also doesn't allow me to alter the style declaration based on a selected theme.
My question is a bit disjointed, but if anybody could provide any pointers on how to go about this that would be appreciated
teacher/educator and a one idea java programmer - first go about 10 years ago looked promising and attracted angel funding, pulled out because code was too crufty, now having a second part time go being poorer yet the wiser.
Writes R script in day job :-(