I have done ajax request with posting id, and servlet can get it, but I dont know how to handle reponse (for jstl tags)
Marko Debac wrote:But I have a list of html fragments to be generated.
The code you posted will create the whole list. Remember, your JSP will run on the server and whatever it generates will be returned as the response. The fact that you are using JSTL in your JSP, or even the fact that you are using JSP at all, is completely irrelevant to the Ajax request.
And Yes, I hardly wait "Jquery in action 2nd" to be finshed, to buy it.
(I have downloaded source, but it has only code to the fifth chapter )
Only up to chapter 5
Marko Debac wrote:
2. It loads me the hoal jsp page into div with id injectHere, because in servlet I have
// RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp");
// rd.forward(request, response);
3. and after I comented, I get nothing injected into div at all
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