... actually, talking about the mvc design
pattern is not at all that what you are thinking of
MVC design pattern in the context of the Sun certification means:
1. Model: represents the application data and the business rules that govern access and modification of this data
(-> has absolutely nothing to do with client features such as JTable etc.)
2. View: renders the content of the model (roughly speaking this includes all your GUI stuff inclusively GUI event listeners)
3. Controller: defines application behavior by interpreting and mapping user gestures into actions performed by the model. (not to confuse with event listeners)
If you conform to the specifics and implications of the MVC architecture (by registering all views to the model and registering controllers to their corresponding views ...) you will achieve a real-time Client-Server application, which implicates that all clients viewing a certain piece of information (like a record) are informed in real-time of changes to that information caused by another client.
When using the term MVC be careful !
For example a very good introduction to this topic is the web based training offered by Sun (Broker Tool application).