Hello guys.
I am in a project that uses SVN hosted in openSVN (
https://opensvn.csie.org), and was using TortoiseSVN and Netbeans 6.5. Using Windows XP.
So I switched to Netbeans 6.8 and used its SVN features as well. When i got to update it using TortoiseSVN, I got the message "this client is too old, please upgrade". Oh hell, here we came to my first thought of the day about SVN/TortoiseSVN:
"The silently upgrade misfeature really sucks and is really very annoying".
Well, I downloaded the TortoiseSVN MSI file, and went to install it, and solve this.
But... Surprise: I got the infamous "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed" message.
I searched TortoiseSVN's FAQ and saw an entry pointing to an article in the microsoft knowledge base. That article said to ensure that System has the needed permissions and that the installation is done with an administrator account. Was ok, the System has the needed permissions and I am the admin. Tried to unregister and register the installation service. Done that but no success. Finally, try to reinstall Windows Installer.
So, I downloaded a fresh Windows Installer from microsoft and installed it. Windows Installer's Installation was succesfully. However when trying to install Tortoise SVN, I still got "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed". I noticed that other software could be installed and uninstalled normally, just TortoiseSVN messes up. I can't uninstall the old TortoiseSVN either.
In the TortoiseSVN FAQ, it is made very clear that no other way of installation would be provided and that it MUST be installed with the MSI installer. So, my second thought of the day about SVN/TortoiseSVN:
"Do not rely just on microsoft installer for the installation your software".
So I decided to use something different. Tried RapidSVN (which was perfectly installed without any problems). Differently from what the name suggests, it is very slow, has lots of bugs and is very incomplete, only barely usable. So my third thought:
"Tigris should really spent some more effort in RapidSVN."
Well, so my best solution was stick to Netbeans SVN, and go on with the development. However, to just increase my bad luck, openSVN crashed and went offline for some days. Now they are online again, but...
https://opensvn.csie.org wrote:We have experienced a severe data loss. We have pulled backups, but your repositories may be out of sync.
Since I am really very lucky with SVN, I could confirm that my repository gone out-of-sync and my last commit, 432, was lost. The repository was on 431. Without knowing this, a co-worker commited a thing in the repository over 431, which was versioned 432.
Tried to merge my old 432 with his 432 and boom: "A checksum mismatch occurred".
I realized that I should use the clean command but, unfortunately Netbeans SVN does not have this. RapidSVN does not have either. So, my fourth thought:
"IDE integrated SCM tools should be very complete and cover every functionality that is provided in the SCM."
So, I was desesperate. I ripped the files of the TortoiseSVN MSI installer and tried to copy the files manually and fix the registry accordingly (I made a backup). However, it did not worked. My frankstein TortoiseSVN fails at startup.
Finally, I decided to complain and search for some help at TortoiseSVN official forum. Naturally, I need to register. In the register page, my last surprise: The captcha. The captcha is very hard to read, but it looks like "mb7ay" or "mb7dy". Whatever I type there, the captcha fails. Trying to refresh the page is useless, I always see the exact same captcha. So my fifth thought:
"Captchas should be unreadable for machines, not for humans."
So I decided up to share my sad history here, to see your opinions. Of course, if someone has some idea of what more I could do, it would be nice.