I just started learning
STRUTS and coding application using STRUTS not long ago, so if my quesiton seems trivial to you, please bear with me
Here is a couple of questions regarding the <logic:iterate> tags,
I know that <logic:iterate> must have a required attribute: - id and here is the definition of "id" directly quoted from the apache web site
"id - The name of a page scope
JSP bean that will contain the current element of the collection on each iteration"
can somebody tell me exactly what a "page scope JSP bean" is? and also, what does it mean by "page scope"?
suppose i have the following
and in my JSP page, i have my STRUTS tags laid out as the following
now in this case, is "transaction" the name of a JavaBean class? or it is more like an iterator to "inquiryResults" (an array List)
also <bean write: name='transaction' property='PRKey'/>, the "name" attribute of <bean:write> specifies the attribute name of the bean whose property is accessed to retrieve the value specified by property (if specified). Then does that mean in this case 'transaction' also represents the JavaBean class who has a field called "PRKey" and a getter and setter methods called getPRKey() and setPRKey()?
please let me know. By the way, I find the Struts reference on Apache web site are comprehensive, but they tend to be very confusing sometimes. I wish they could explain everything in plain English and provides with some examples, does anyone know anywhere i may find such resources that provide complete Struts Reference, with lots of examples and they are easy to understand? please let me konw
I know this is a long post, So I TRULY appreciate any help