Hey there,
I'm currently working on a small program which loads additional modules dynamically on startup from a specific "module folder".
To handle jar-loading I'm using "JCL" (Jar Class Loader), a framework which seems to use the system class loader. Every "module"-jar must contain a class which implements a "Starter" interface.
So, what's my problem?
The Windows XP-JVM does'nt recognize the "Starter" classes as implementers of the "Starter" interface (the instanceof-test returns false). The odd thing is, that the same program with exactly the same jars works fine when running on Windows Vista or ubuntu Linux (I haven't tried on other platforms yet).
Does anyone know why the JVM is behaving like this and how to solve this problem?
I'm asking here because to me this seems to be a
Java problem, not a problem with the framework...