I'm trying to use tiles with
struts and i get the following error.What I am trying to do is to forward to a tile definition from an action maping and in my tile-definitions load a tile which has its own action. I get the following error
TilesRequestProcessor - -Can't create associated controller <java.lang.InstantiationException: Controller of class 'com.bgc.struts.common.CartAction' should implements 'Controller' or extends 'Action'
My custom Action does extend the Action.
My definitions are as follows
<action path="/jsp/nextscreen.jsp" type="wizard.action.WizardNextAction" parameter="nextpage">
<forward name="showscreen" path="wizzardpage" />
<forward name="exceptionscreen" path="exceptionpage"/>
<forward name="newscreen" path="newpage" />
<definition name="newpage" path="/jsp/newscreen.jsp" controllerClass="wizard.action.WizardNewAction">
<put name="Top" value="/jsp/top.jsp" />
<put name="title" value="Wizzard New Page" />
<put name="Left" value="/jsp/left.jsp" />
<put name="Footer" value="/jsp/footer.jsp" />
<put name="Content" value="/jsp/newscreen.jsp" />
Any Idea as to what might the problem be? Any insights would be appretiated.