Yesterday I passed the SCDJWS exam and I was surprised to know that the passing score was 42%. Actually SCDJWS was the toughest of all exams I did and required a lot of studying and reading.
The resources I used for studying included :
First : Before you start preparing for the exam, make sure you are very familiar and have a solid understanding with XML, XML Schemas, Document Type Definitions ... etc
A good tutorial to start is :
Sang Shin, has a complete list of tutorials on lectures on Web Services, that covers more than 80% of the objectives of the exam. I used these tutorials as the main preparation material for the exam. This man is impressive as he has deep understanding of Web Services (By the way, his works as
Java Technology Architect at Sunmicrosystems)
I advice everybody to study from these tutorials as they are comprehensive, and gives a lot of information
Follwing are freeonline training materials by Sun related to Web Services :
http://www.sun.com/training/catalog/courses/WJO-1115.xml : Overview of XML
http://www.sun.com/training/catalog/courses/WJO-1114.xml : Web Services Infrastructure and Organizations
http://www.sun.com/training/catalog/courses/WJO-1118.xml : Web Services Enabling Technologies
The study guide by Ivan Crizsan and the Mock Exam by Maikili Zakin is a good source of information (Specially the last two chapters from Ivan book), and also if you look at Maikili Mock exam you will earn a lot of knowledge (Most appreciated for his efforts)
Some tutorials here and there to understand things I could not understand else where:
http://www.roseindia.net/jaxb/r/jaxb.shtml : The beginners guide to JAXB
http://www.omii.ac.uk/wiki/JaxWsTutorial#section-JaxWsTutorial-4.JAXWSintheclient --> Impressive tutorial about JAX-WS and code examples covers all JAX-WS communication model [Must Read]
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/ws-tip-null.html --> Very useful article about declaring nulls in XML Schemas (Must read Article)
http://www.tutorialspoint.com/uddi/uddi_overview.htm --> Comprehensive tutorial and also contains references about UDDI
http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/09/17/stax.html?page=2 --> Simple and lightweight tutorial about StAX
http://jee-bpel-soa.blogspot.com/2010/01/preparing-for-scdjws-part-17-web.html --> Must read article about implementing transport level security in Java
Fifth but not last
http://www.xmlme.com/Validator.aspx --> An online schema validator, that lets you validate XML Documents against a certain schema, useful if you want to experiment with XML schemas
Thanks a lot for this superb and wonderful forum.