Hi all,
I have a formBean named QusteionBean containing a question and four answers. From the action class, I loaded these beans in a vector and passed in the request(qt). I want to display the questions and the answers(as radio buttons). My code is given below.
<html:form action="/submitAnswer" method="get"> <logic:iterate id="qt" name="questions" indexId="index">
<bean:write name="qt" property="qst_id"/>.
<bean:write name="qt" property="qst_desc"/>
<html:radio name="qt" property="qst_ans" value="1" indexed="true">
<bean:write name="qt" property="qst_ans1"/>
<html:radio name="qt" property="qst_ans" value="2" indexed="true">
<bean:write name="qt" property="qst_ans2"/>
<html:radio name="qt" property="qst_ans" value="3" indexed="true">
<bean:write name="qt" property="qst_ans3"/>
<html:radio name="qt" property="qst_ans" value="4" indexed="true">
<bean:write name="qt" property="qst_ans4"/>
<html:radio name="qt" property="qst_ans" value="5" indexed="true">
<bean:write name="qt" property="qst_ans5"/>
</logic:iterate> <html:submit value="SUBMIT"/> </html:form>
Is there any other method to do this? Because, it is very difficult to retrieve the data!
Thanx in advance.