posted 14 years ago
Hi All,
I have a problem while submitting the form through tab navigation.
in a form I have browse button(created using <input type="file"> tag) but this is hidden by a customized browse button as shown in the following code.
<form id="uploadform" name ="uploadform" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<e:txDir />/SaveImageEvent"
<input type="file" class="hide" id="datafileLogo" name="datafileLogo"
<a href="javascript:repReportOptions.openFileWindow('datafileLogo')" id="likfileLogo"><img src="/browse_btn.gif" border="disabled"/></a>
//this method is used to open the file selection window on clicking the image above Browse image.
this.openFileWindow = function(objectId)
var flvar = document.getElementById(objectId);;
//this save image method is called when the user selects the image from the file window( on onChange) .Here I have to use the TAB navigation only to select and submit the selected file.
this.saveImage = function(imagePrefix,imageName,displayImageFrame)
var fileName = document.getElementById(imageName).value;
var fileType = fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
var fileSystem = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var thefile = fileSystem.getFile(fileName);
var size = thefile.size;
if(((fileType == ".gif") || (fileType == ".GIF")) && (size <= 1048576))
document.uploadform.imageType.value = fileType;
document.uploadform.imagePrefix.value = imagePrefix;
document.uploadform.fileOperation.value= 'saveImage'; = displayImageFrame;
document.uploadform.imagefileName.value = imageName;
util.alert("Images must be .gif files less than 1MB is size. Click the information icon in the coverpage options section for more information.");