Could somebody please tell me the difference between Stand alone
java application and
J2EE application client ?
I have read that we need Application client container to run the J2EE application client so that we can have services such as JNDI, security etc.
How it would be different to access the EJB components from stand alone client to the client runnng under the Application client container.
If i have JNDI api and stub classes for my EJB in my stand alone code to use the EJB components, then why should i use client application running under container.
i was going through this page
webpage and at step 7 it says
To deploy the application client, assemble the application client to create a standard J2EE .ear file and then deploy the application client to Sun ONE Application Server
If application client is for client then why do we need to create ear file and deploy it in the application server?
Please help me to understand this concept.