I whipped out my credit card and tried to register for the
SCJD, but was balked at every turn.
The Sun website forwarded me to the
Oracle website, which said registration is down.
I went to the Prometric site, which doesn't have a
test with the same number, but DOES have a test called the 310-027 Sun Certified Developer for J2SE. I'm suspicious, because the test I'm trying to take is CX-310-252A Sun Certified Developer for the
Java Platform.
I called Prometric to ask if it was the same test, and they told me to call Sun. I called Sun, who forwarded me to Prometric without a response. I talked to the Prometric people again and asked if it was an assignment you take off-site and work on for a couple of weeks, and they said it's a closed book exam, that's all they could tell me. They suggested I go to the site
ibt1.prometric.com, which didn't recognize my logon name, even through the password recovery system.
At this point, I don't think this test is obtainable. Does anyone know who you have to kill, to take the test?