Hi All,
I am trying to integrate Apache (2.0.63) web server with WebSphere application server( [note that my app server is the one which is bundled in RAD 7].
1] I executed WebSphere plugin setup. It modified httpd.conf file adding below entries,
2] It also created plugin-cfg.xml file as follows,
3] My plug-in setup concluded without any errors. After setup finsihed, I copied configureApache2.bat from profile root directory to websphere root directory. And then I executed the script.
4] Finally I started both servers, but when I hit URL Apache is unable to identify it. I dont know what am I missing. I observer that in plugin-cfg.xml there is no URL mapping, so am I supposed to enter it manually?
Here is the document that I followed:
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.base.doc/info/aes/ae/tins_road_plugins.html [Local Installation Scenario]
Please help me in making this work!